Wow, thanks for all the replies!

I'll try to take all you guys' advice into account when I update both images.
your results are great too, I'm glad you got into the subpixel vibe right away.
Subpixel technique in animated sprites has always given me a headache. Is there some advice you can give to learning it better?
I hope ya weren't asking me, 'cause I have no idea.

I just try what looks good, with selout and all. I just try to make the pixels move in "half-pixels"...If that makes sense.
The robot is just too stiff right now. I know its a robot, but yours is like ... "static". The whole animation looks rushed, to me.
I guess I could've spent some more time on it, now that I'm looking at it. I see exactly what you mean. I could redo the whole upper-body's pose to make some something more dynamic, and add some more recoil(?).
is your second guy supposed to be biologic? I guessed so because you mention blood for a death anim, I think he looks pretty damn mechanic though. if you still want to use the more greenish highlights I'd say put them on the head/torso.
I started out with a robot in mind, but then he got a bit greenish, and started looking more and more organic. So really, I don't know.

But I kinda like that mechanically organic (or vice versa) quality.
Xion, These animations are excellent. Particularly the spider tank. The motion on legs is great. The movement on the head is great. The colors ae great.
you may want to try bumping the back end of the body up or down as it's looking a little too rigid... maybe that's the effect you;re going for though...
I've just bodged it a bit... to give u an idea...

Thanks! Your edit is a bit too jerky, but I see what you mean.
Thanks again, peeps, and I'll see what I can improve with the next update.