Thx for the replies guys and gals.
No new colour added. one easy and one intermediate tile.
good lord sven... still not finished this yet? sheesh...
We have not worked on it for over a year for various reasons, wiseguy
You guys blow my mind. I don;t see how this is even possible. It makes me think so much lower of myself as an artist lol.
Thx, but with this attitude you have lost as an artist. Practise is everything. Lots of it. Since I started pixeling in april 2003 I pixeled alot of stuff in my freetime and since almost a year I work as a professional pixelartist so i get plenty of practise every day, and i also study demoscene and oldschool gameart quite a bit. It all helps. Just saying "omg this is impossible, i could never do this" is just as good as giving up.
oh sven, you are so productive.
Yes I am, I work and I also have other things I do apart from working on this collab. btw, you are 1 strike away from having 3 strikes, just informing you
Helm/Ptoing collab continues one year hiatus.
You go and scan that page before you make statements like that. BURN!
like... putting your page online again?
faules stück
Har! I am working on it. My homepage has a shite infrastructure and is hence a bit tedious to update, esp after over 1 year of slacking.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 06:55:47 pm by ptoing »
There are no ugly colours, only ugly combinations of colours.