Im gonna guess:
1: Sick man vomiting gray fluid
2: gray fluid turns into hand, grabs craters
3: space-squid shoots lasers, is hit by craters
4: lasers illuminate an underwater scene
5: seaweed turns out to be bird feathers, bird is wearing strange shoes
6: feathers are set on fire, sniffed by Dachshund, perched on a very unstable plateau
7: ship at sea is attacked by kraken
8: kraken is joined by: flying knight, turkey legs, traffic light and a rock
9: also joined by giant squid-crab-light-bulb thing, capable of FIRIN' ITS LAZZOR!
10: lazzor hits unsuspecting wires, who flee in terror
11: 3 gray wires hide in a castle, are saved by a ghost
12: kirby w/ master sword, standing on elephant's trunk and triangle of antimatter
13: triangle expands and swallows the fleeing baby kraken, giant white mustache escapes
14: I cannot guess from what is visible atm.
15: circular clouds fly above a peaceful forest scene, pathway pov
16: Yggdrasil: cemetery w/ dead tree in front of swamp, sign: KEEP OUT, island in distance
18: not claimed
19: WIP
20: underground chamber w/ hanging cage
21:underground cave is built underneath a field of flowers, explosions in the sky, overhanging cliff
22: peaceful scene atop the cliff, green meadows, hot air balloon
23: yelling at a robot hot air balloon w/ flying cabin
24: wooden hallway, w/ lichen on left side
25: undersea encounters of the third kind
26: duck-plane, loch ness monster(, nothing strange here, then)
27: duck-plane has mold, also has seal and candy cane
28: the night that the great space giraffe descended to the pond and blessed all us duckies
29: space worm w/ pixar fisherman, on a super mario galaxy-esque green planet, also w/ fish
30: planet gets longer, sick man's feet explode, blue squares watch, impassive
31: Sick man's death bed turns into giant squid... with scales... what?
32: the giant squid is reunited with his cousin, the space-squid, they turn into trees
33: cartoon Yggdrasil w/ pool of youth-water
34: wall w/ forest
35: WIP
36: more flying knights!
37: the milky way's brother, the gravy way w/ some flying people
38: tennis: 15/Love w/ crossed wires
39: water-world w/ garlic and balloon blower
40: intense surfing scene w/ island in background
41: BUBBLES! w/ rocks and MORE BUBBLES! and , erm... gray.
42: blue mountain going up into the rocky heavens
43: mountains w/ birds in the clutches of the dead tree
44: fancy flyin' machines w/ floating crystal city
45: clouds... w/ meadow and... brown
46: flowery meadow w/ mountain*
47: "Vulcan is angry! It's so... vulcan-ic. Like some sort of vulcan-o"
48: I can not make an accurate guess from what is visible atm
49: guy dancing on a mountain w/ pebble path
50: EXPLOSION!! w/ smile and more pebbles
51: nose-man w/ green wall and Nessie... again
52: WHAT IS THIS!?!?!
53: tubes, crystals and rocks, oh my!
54: giant space-worm w/ robot, space slug and red pillar
55: space-bugs, going to help bring down the ship in 7?
56: cliffs, and a hole. DON'T JUMP!
57: yellow dinosaur under cartoon Yggdrasil
58: boxes and a tree trunk, w/ BOOM!
59: BOOM! w/ gravy way
60: spiky rock w/ cliff
61: more rocks (is there some sort of theme?) w/ clouds
62: not claimed
63: WIP
64: spiky rock w/ brown and small rocks
65: clouds and... waves
66: cloud land w/ boom and green (green rock?)
67: WIP
68: lines w/ checkerboard and smoke
69: smoky smoke
70: curvy smoke w/ bubbles and water*