HSV = 3,600,000 values
(photoshop) Lab = 6,553,600 values
RGB = 16,777,216 values
CYMK = 100,000,000 values
Hex = 2,176,782,336 values
32bit colour = 4,294,967,296 values (?)
its the truth. however CYMK on photoshop is limited to the number of colours possible with the RGB values.
if we wanted all the colours possible on a 32bit screen we'd have to have RGB values from 0 to 1624 i think.
anyway the point of all this is that Hex = 'smoothest' in terms of number of possible values. however its hard to colour with just hex values to go on. so do whatever you find easiest i say. and HSV looks smooth enough. the human eye can't really tell the difference better 254,254,254 and 255,255,255 can it?
erg just realised lots of these numbers aren't correct. some you won't get any values if one of the numbers is 0 so i think only RGB and Hex are accurate. all others show less colours then stated.