AuthorTopic: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior  (Read 6779 times)

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 05:51:14 am
Would that all be possible with a curved blade 3/4th of the body height? I think I would use the buckler more as a simple armguard with a blade that size. It doesn't seem to lend itself to real swashbuckling.

And then there's the issue that we're talking about a reanimated skeleton without muscles or tendons. I'm thinking that the skeleton isn't really meant to be an undead Erol Flynn  :P

Offline samw3

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #11 on: August 18, 2009, 06:18:13 am
yeah, whew.. that's quite a lesson in swashbuckling.  And it's too late for me to totally change the pose on this one.

I did try to fix the chest and add a semblance of two bones in the front leg.  Also there's some skull work.  Still not sure about the foot.. any ideas?

Sam Washburn

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #12 on: August 18, 2009, 06:29:11 am
looking good, his left arm is way larger then his right arm but I guess its too late to fix that, also his left hand seems to be just a stump
while the right hand has fingers.

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #13 on: August 18, 2009, 06:48:17 am
Ok, i'm heading to bed.  Shortened the shield arm a bit, made the hand a bit more distinct.  Still open for C+C

Sam Washburn

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #14 on: August 18, 2009, 11:02:44 am
the main problem I can see is that the body dosn't really read as a skeleton, I made this Edit to illustrate some of my points:

I'm not sure if its supposed to be a skeleton with muscle's(if so then ignore this).
I focused mainly in the edit on making it look more ''skelety'', like the feet and ribcage for example.
but I also touched up the skull, I feel Gil's comment on the skull went (abit) unnoticed.
I think some things look a bit bland/boring like the skull and the sword, some details like blood,cracks, whatever should be added to make it look a bit less bland and generic...
Also you could use contrast to make ''important'' things like the skull pop more.
Anyway keep it up, I'm looking forward to an update!

Offline ndchristie

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #15 on: August 18, 2009, 12:30:50 pm
i may have misread the foreshortening, but i didn't think that the blade was overly curved or any more than half his height, but i could be wrong.  also, if you plan on dueling with any 16th century noblemen, beware! - a buckler is never a simple armguard, it's a weapon in it's own right or else it's a handicap.  for the record too, sword and buckler or "swashbucking" (swashing blows falling upon the buckler) is a form originating in the late middle ages, coming to it's peak in the high renaissance, and falling out of fashion by the late 17th century, so the idea that Errol Flynn and his over-animated pirate buddies are "swashbucklers" is nothing more than a hollywood and comic book misappropriation of the term.

edit- didn't realize Flynn was in old-world set movies as well, but he's still not using the right weapons (or any bucklers) that i can find...

I don't think this is at all too far along to raise the shield and redraw the sword, but some people do feel that these starts are precious.  I think the critique (that his pose is ineffectual and non-menacing) stands regardless of the will to act on it.

Also, reposting for emphasis, since it's the more important point now:
the lower leg and forearm each have 2 major bones, not 1.  Kneecaps are nice to have, too.  ribs stop and spread at the solar plexus.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 12:37:18 pm by ndchristie »
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Offline samw3

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Re: [WIP] Skeleton Warrior

Reply #16 on: August 18, 2009, 05:16:42 pm
That's a gorgeous edit Reo.  Thanks a bunch.  The toes are what I was trying for, but failed.

ndchristie, I appreciate your comments, and it's not that I'm emotionally attached to what I have already.  The problem is that I'm still painfully slow at this, and I need to finish a bunch of these.  I honestly don't have the time to redo the pose.  I hope you understand.  I do understand your critique and will keep it in mind with future swashbucklers I attempt to draw.

You all will probably be shocked to know I've put 12hrs into this piece.  And yeah, it probably would be cheaper just to hire an already skilled artist, but I want to learn it myself, and I am getting faster.

Well, I have to move on.  I put the notes from Reo's edit in as further polish.  I hope I can come back and add them in.

I'll be posting another char in a little while.
Sam Washburn