Well, the slight increase in height does help. I would strongly urge you to reconsider the manly shoulders - they at least can be bought in without ruining the size/weight. The alternative is to give your male base huge manly shoulders I suppose, as long as there's some contrast.
last but not least, there's a couple of pixel no-nos left here:

top circle - false incision. Where a band intersects two otherwise identical shapes of color, they become the same form, as you get with those 4 steps above and below the band that dakens each by 1. change the top or the bottom slightly so that the shapes become their own.
middle circle - textbook case of banding. where two shapes of two shades (here, that 2nd-to-dark brown shade gets you nothing), you get this jaggy, distracting form. I suggest pulling the middle shade orange down 2 pixels.
lower circle - another textbook case of overly-independent shapes. also jaggy. I recommend having those two columns of the lightest shade gain one bit of length each so that the one on the right goes down 1 pixel further and the left goes up one pixel further, joining the highlight shape rather than creating jagginess.