Not to resurrect an old thread but that's exactly what I am doing. Here I found this neat little tutorial about how to do perspective scrolling. the way I was going to do my effect of changing perspective(Not really a change of perspective really but simulated) was by using prerendered pixel textured(of course it wouldn't be perfect) 3D cubes that were animated rotating from its center at 180 degrees. Afterwards I would assemble all 60 or so images in a gif and then import it. As the character runs across the game field the buildings will rotate(which is just changing animation frames) based on the players current position. The further the player was from the start the more the player could see of the other side of the building. However when I told a friend about this idea he asked how I was going to allow the player to see the tops of the buildings and my answer was I have no idea. Currently I can't think of a practical way to do that. You would have to have a bunch of combinations for each side being turned horizontally and vertically. So just for one turn you would need multiple animations that show the building as you are looking down on it as well as up. Though this could all be solved by having super tall buildings that the player cannot see above.
Anyway I'll probably do something like this for my game, that best thing about it is it can still be parallax scrolled. Let me know what you guys think?
Furthermore let's continue this riveting discussion.