A sidescrolling shmup RPG inspired by an idea spawned by me and Lollige.
Sorry the island is pretty rough, not very rocky.
I'm aslo undecided if I want to added detail or keep it black and white.
I've been getting

reviews on the B&W
Just a mockup:

In game:

Idea demo:
http://punky.ensellitis.com/games/SkyMyst.exeUp to change height, when you have the height you want you can just hold left or right to keep going at that altitude.
Arrow keys to move, Z to shoot, X to change the time of day by 1 hour, 1 and 2 changes your ships size
The collision is a little glitchy in how you turn around atm.
The reason it's in Low Spec is because it will be using a lot of particle effects.
I'll probably start making my own as soon as I know how it all works, atm I'm just using game makers defaults.
General idea in shortAs a player, you will begin your expedition by renting a ship.
You set out on missions to; search for resources, defeat monsters, fish, discover
When you come back on land again, you can buy new items from the money you have made on the trips, or even buy your own better boat.
The ships fly due to the rudder bellow the deck, it is made of the same minerals as the islands themselves.
Rudder controls the height of your ship, the engine propels it forward.
WorldEverything takes place in an extremely white place.
There are large floating islands, which all have one port. Every island produces a few goods/resourses, and ask for a lot of them in return.
All ships use cogs, and cogs break quite often so this has become the global currency of the world.
There are only 2 found countries in this world (large mass islands) each has it's own orbit.
The air consists of 3 layers, Thick, Stable, and Thin
Certain ships could only travel in certain air, underneath everything would be a giant body of water.
Aim of the game
Players set their own aims, but they can collect items, money, try to dominate as much land as they can.
Different times of the day, night and daytime.

Ship concepts, nothing too solid about the designs just random ATM to get the idea out.

I'm undecided on if I want to detail them up, I know it'd probably look better but I'm semi-partial to the pure black.