I think that run cycle has some problems. The high point in the middle is for the wrong leg, and there is no high point for the other leg, plus the torso doesn't turn. I won't go into detail because I'm sure you already know and seem to be redoing it.
The swordsmans arms look too long and bendy, and should maybe be forward more. His legs seem too short, it's hard to make the arms look ok when the legs are so much smaller then they should be. In this edit, I just stretched out his legs a bit, redrew the arms, added a bit to
his left shoulder, and moved his head and neckhole forward. It is hard to make the arms look natural yet ready to move, and I don't think I really succeeded at it in this edit, but perhaps you can. Your guy is about 6 heads tall, but out of proportion, so I made him proportioned and 7 heads tall. If you want to retain the 6 heads tall style, I suggest shortening his torso.
I like the guy with the green shirt though. His posture is cool, and gives him a lot of personality.