Mainly fooled around with the palette. The main things I did:
•With his skin I darkened that midtone (I felt it had mostly lacked contrast).
•I also tried to pour a hint of hue into each color (thinking it would give more "life" into the work and maybe even add towards higher contrast.
•I figured this a guy with his style would wear a tighter inside shirt so I just reshaded it to match that belief.
•For some reason that left arm looks funny(is the hand supposed to be in the pocket?), I did reshade that a bit and actually moved it up by one pixel [from the sleeve down I mean].
Things that still need work:
•Hair; If you mess with Ben's you could get something.
•Messiness; Mainly in the shades as implied by Adarias.
•Skin. I think even my version may lack contrast but I also think Ben's version was too saturated. Maybe a mix between our two versions might get you something.