Well, they're odd sizes (normally a texture sheet follows th same basic 'powers of two' rule that old sprite-based 2D engines used, and for the same reasons), but I think mostly he was talking about the wasted space. The textures as they appear on the models are sweet as hell, but the texture sheets probably wouldn't look that hot in a portfolio in their current state.
I see, so it is a problem of format...like I thought.
I dont know, I feel like he's got the nack of it and that problem seems like a matter of getting used to the tool, which will easily come from practice. I mean he does already know it's important so doesnt seem a reason to sweat it.
I never really thought 3d Modeling could be fun but this stuff is kinda warming me up to it.
Hey man make a video tutorial of how you do these....even if there's no special technique used...I think it could be good to watch you have fun modelling these
Who knows maybe if you do I'll even end up so pumped from it I'll be rigging models....which from what I undesrtand is the most boring and hard part. The pure animation part sure is easy enough.
Funny that his pictures are bad at establishing depth and specially perspective, while he can do 3d so easily.