We've been getting minor aftershocks since the other big quake in September (we had another on boxing day) so you do kinda get used to them, but the one last week was pretty insane, I could see my room twist and shake while everything just bounced around like it was nothing.
I think at this point I can safely say no one I personally know was killed, most people had a close call story or two, but it's really quite lucky. My brother for example was just about to put his 4 month old to bed when he started crying, then the bookshelf walked in and bodyslammed his crib, one of my friends is an emergency medic so he was riding with an ambulance and army escort all day, carrying bodies, helping treat people, evacuate schools, etc, he even got to raid supermarkets and pharmacies for medical supplies and food/water for neighbourhoods.
My day was pretty tame, just sat outside in the driveway, got the generator going so we could charge our phones and watch the news, eventually the neighbours started coming over so we got the BBQ out and had a big neighbourhood BBQ going.
Everything is still really weird, the roads are like waves, there's liquifaction everywhere which is basically quicksand, it was very windy yesterday so you couldn't see to the other side of the street at some points, we've had looters but on a pretty small scale, and some of the international search and rescue workers have said this is the most organized operation they've been a part of.
Some of my friends have already left, and others are planning on leaving which really sucks, I absolutely understand- but it still sucks.
This photo is probably the best example of the overall attitude for Christchurch:
We'll be fine.