I think the reason you're stuck now is in part due to your workflow. It seems to me that you're starting on the detailing and rendering stages before you have everything all planned out, you should work on the whole piece at once instead of finishing one area before the next. It's a lot easier said than done though. Helpful though because you can see if something works before you go and spend too much time with it, and you get an overview of the piece without, uhh, detail tunnel vision.
Another thing I find is that reds are the most cliquey color, it's hard to hue shift from a vibrant red to another color without it looking unnatural (as it does in this case, I think). You might have to add a dark red in there to make it work, as much as I hate prescribing adding colors for the solutions to these kind of things.
Might want to check out some references for the wolf's head. You also may want to try drawing/picturing the wolf's body behind the bush, to make sure everything's in line back there. Because in it's current state it looks like his arm is the length of his entire body, and his body's very very small, etc.
That's what I got for now, may have more thoughts when I'm less tired.
EDIT: I know what I forgot to say, is that the purple shadows really give this an artificial kind of feel, high sat blue does not help either.