Just an innocent question; I don't mean to offend. What makes this cyberpunk-like?
When I think cyberpunk, I think of creative robotic enhancements to parts of your body that didn't function well enough, with a flair for that punk-like uniqueness, what with bright colours and flashy lights and "LOOK AT ME"... ness.
A couple of solid references to look at would be the cyborg-pirate-whatever from the movie "Treasure Planet". Also good reference would be to stick the phrase "Steampunk watches" into google, and flip through the images that come up. Toy around with any idea that comes up in your head, preferrably with a pen and paper, as it's quicker than digital art.
Of course, the above is just suggestions of new places to go with this, if you felt like it. Things that would, in my opinion, give it more character and thus make it look cooler. It doesn't even have to be a massive change. For example, if you've played cave story, the random white plate in
http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/siteimages/kazumapor.gif that guy's face made him less of a typical anime face and more of a someone with a story.
As it is, it's not a bad portrait. I'm just of the opinion that much could be done to make it stand out in a crowd