AuthorTopic: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.  (Read 5626 times)

Offline Dnilb

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[CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

on: October 17, 2021, 11:40:20 am
Hi, I have some issues with my character, I am not satisfied with left arm and chest area.
I experimented a bit:

Is any of these an improvement?

Newest version:

Shading on left leg kinda off?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2021, 06:21:20 pm by Dnilb »

Offline Curly

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Re: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

Reply #1 on: October 17, 2021, 01:36:20 pm
Yeah the latest version looks better. Nice job!

Offline Dnilb

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Re: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021, 08:34:12 pm
Ok so I am still trying to change some things:

I thought that thinner body (2) would look better but I am not too sure now.

Also I tried moving eyes 1 pixel to the right and adding a nose (2).

What do you guys think?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2021, 08:36:28 pm by Dnilb »

Offline SeinRuhe

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Re: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

Reply #3 on: November 03, 2021, 03:45:28 pm
Body one with head one is the best option so far although for me it seems like your real struggle is the pose, the bending knees look really odd as well as the trunk area. My advice would be to try to enact the character's pose and see how your body behaves.

The leg closest to us seems broken due the pose and the angle of the foot, the leg far from us is too thin giving the impression of being disconnected from the butt, the trunk of the body is totally upright which is really uncomfortable on this kind of position, if you lean it forward it will balance the pose better. Lastly the arms could be on a more dynamic position.

You should also pay attention to how light behaves, even if the light comes directly from our right, the leg closest to the viewer should be lighter since is the one reflecting more light to us. Also try to work with a neutral gray instead of a saturated orange as a background, you will see have a better sense of the character that way.

This kind of poses are really hard to do, so, if you feel something's wrong it's probably a major thing instead of some small tweak.

Last thing to say is this char is an improvement over your last one so keep the good work, I really like the face and head area overall! Here's a quick and dirty edit to show what I just said.

Offline Dnilb

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Re: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

Reply #4 on: November 03, 2021, 06:50:38 pm
Hey SeinRuhe, great feedback as always, thanks. (Wish I could give you karma but I don't see a button for that)

The pose you made is very nice, did you use any reference or just doodled until it looks decent?
I think my poses are bad because I just draw 'out of memory', I was thinking of making some references in Blender and then translate it to pixel art.

I will try drawing right leg like you did, shading on pants also makes more sense.
When I see people make edits of my sprite I kinda get jealous and disappointment in my work haha.

Offline SeinRuhe

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Re: [CC] Character in a body suit, problem with anatomy.

Reply #5 on: November 03, 2021, 08:41:26 pm
No worries about the Karma xD, some nice people helped me when I was starting so I just want to give back to the world a bit.

I didn't use a reference but I did reenact the pose and tried to pay attention to what my body was doing, there's a whole concept of "Acting for animators" that's worth researching. After that was just shifting some parts around and redrawing some other parts.

Drawing out of memory is not inherently a bad thing but if you have some pictures of the pose as reference is better. I kinda advice against making your references on Blender since you would be posing the 3D model out of memory too.

Once you start to understand how light works everything related to drawing becomes easier, it takes a while but once it clicks it's almost constant (And really slow) improvement from there.

Seeing other people's take on your sprite shouldn't make you feel bad about your work (At least not for much time, I would be lying if I say it hasn't happen to me too when looking at other people's work) everything in life is a process and some people have walked an extra mile than us in some things.

As a last advice, you should try to do your next character without outlines, drawing and painting are two different skills and I think you could use some more practice at the painting part of things. If you want to add an extra challenge to it try to draw it with a 2x2px brush instead of a single pixel brush, I'm sure you'll learn a lot from the process.