I like the added details (mud puddle, mouse, broken chimney, etc.), they definitely enrich the piece!
I hope you don't mind if I comment further on the previous points.
1. It still is not perspective-perfect, but, hey reality is hardly perfect

- I like this new shape

However, a new thought occurred to me: isn't it a bit too shiny for a chimney top?
2. Yes, it is better. Though, why not as dark as the balcony?
3. I see you did a lot of work, but indeed it did not address the problem at all: maybe my explanation was not good enough

Just to make sure, I'll try again: the wall at the right of the wooden beam does not follow the curve of the beam itself.
4. Yes, it is better. Still broken, but if you prefer it that way, it's your call

5. Nice improvement. The bridge still looks too flat, but I guess that a structure of that kind can hardly be rendered better at this size. As for the plants, I'm starting to think that what's wrong is not the pixelling, but the perspective: they look leaning south-east, as if following a different plane (can't find a better explanation, sorry

6. OK