Are those M60's, Opickus? They look like em, what with the green fuse, but I'm not too sure.
Oh, and just to be a jerk-ass, I just saw a trailer for Soul Calibur 4...and it sucks. Still not sure why Namco or any other game company doesn't take hints from the 2d greats, and give their games CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY!! Seriously, all the 3d models look like effin' robots(no offense robot santa). The ladies have the hugest TIG OLE BITTIES, yet they are still able to jump so elegantly! Take Taki, for example: Her bewbs have been so big since SC 2, that if they release another sequel, she's gonna be MIA in the SC tourney circuit due to back pains of carrying those two mountain tops on her chest. Same goes to Ivy...or any other DOA fighting character...
Also, the male characters are guilty as well. Half of the designs seem to have de-evolved through idiocracy, in my opinion. And this is so ironic, coming from a person like myself, butttttt...STOP PACKING SO MUCH DESIGN AND CRAP INTO YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNS! History has taught us, that quality, NOT quantity make a good and recognizable game design. Examples? Ryu: simple, yet memorable: white karate Gi, with the traditional red bandanna. Mario...a f***in' red and blue plumber's outfit(yet I wish designers would make him more gruff, less anime-ish...not 'roid gruff, just a simple style redo, that isn't so kiddy..), Solid Snake, and Naked Snake( big boss or whatever...), Link, Sonic, etc...
I'm also tired of the shat voice dubbs. Honestly, I'd rather hear the voices in the original language, with subtitles, rather than horrible voice overs. Feels like they castrate one's culture everytime it's done, and in my opinion, brings the value of a game down. That, or get better voice actors, who aren't just doin' it for the money (not fanboys either, mind you)
And of course, take a chill pill on the mother truckin' muscles already. I'd really don't want to be on the hate train over the new Street Fighter game, but honestly, Ken and Ryu have really been working out since we last saw them. The whole point of Ryu's initial character was to be the underdog, or little guy who overcame giants, and what not. Not some freak or Japanese god! This goes for all games, as most protagonists are beefed up buffoons. Better be careful, heroes, else you'll end up with a bad case of roid rage, akin to the curse of
The Warrior...*SNARRLLL*"Should I lay on the lawn, and let it run me over with law mowers?!?" wrestler ever...(God, I hated that guy back then)