andy, this is very bad work. I can't tell what is going on with his body at all, his face is a total mess, the eye is really bizarrely shaped and shaded. Regardless of whatever "original style" you are going for, the end result is unappealing and unattractive. I can not give any more advice except for the basics: form, posture, basic shading. You have major problems at the lineart, lighting, color selection, and polish levels. If it sounds like I'm being extra-harsh, it's because you seem to be pretty well set in your ways, and like most of your threads you will work on the polish level only, rather than having the guts to tackle the fundamental problems that are crippling your work. If that is the case, then it certainly can't hurt for me to go a little overboard in the hopes that you will wake up and see your work with fresh eyes!!