Hey guys,
I've worked on this, my second more serious mock-up, for quite a while now and think I'm finally ready to post it here. It was done with the rules from the MF3 in mind, but since it's an original "game idea" and not a title-demake, it doesn't qualify. Anyways, here it is:
original - 160x144 - 4 colors - made to be viewed in x2 (left-click)Please ignore the player-part in the UI (bottom-left corner of the screen).
I'd like to know what you guys think, suggestions and paint-overs are very welcome, as always, so don't hesitate. But keep in mind that the palette is fixed (so: no palette-edits) and that the original Gameboy tile-dimensions (8x8) and sprite-dimensions (8x8 or 8x16) apply.
Problem areas are the wooden crates, the spikes and the kinda empty top-part of the screen as far as I can tell, please help me there. Also, do you think it reads well? Readability was my main goal, but I have looked at it for a too long time to still be able to tell how it does, I need a fresh pair of eyes to be the judge there.