Hey all...
Err, my parents are mad, so I may not be on the computer for a while. I'm not really sure.
Haha, North Dakota.
So umm, yeah, I'll be gone for a little bit, but I'll leave you with a story.
I was walking home the other day, listening to my mp3 player, happy as a clam. I get home, and have to go to the bathroom, so I walk into my house and drop my backpack. I go into the bathroom, lift the toilet seat lid, and bloop, in falls my mp3 player. Needless to say, it doesn't work anymore. I feel like a bonehead, but lucky me, the warranty covers it.
And with that, I'm gone for a while.
I hope you can work out all these issues with the voting thing. If we don't keep arguing about it, the wrong person might win and the board will crumble...
Or at least that's what it seems like.
Honestly, as far as I can tell, Nyan is joking (not to mention she's one of the least abrasive people (and english majors) I've ever met)
So now, I'm off to heat up some chicken fingers and watch whatever's on TBS, which at the moment, seems to be that third Matrix movie. Looks alright.