AuthorTopic: [WIP] game concept  (Read 5270 times)

Offline BinaryMoon

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[WIP] game concept

on: September 10, 2007, 08:25:36 pm
[UPDATE : Check the latest post out - it's been updated quite a bit]

It says "concept" in the title but it's actually largely working. Please ignore the balls and the text, those are vectors (the game is in Flash) and will likely stay that way - I have a deadline and no time to pixel everything. I intend to have about 20 levels in the final game and will have a similar amount of floor tiles (loads of variation, and some more colour), including some special ones that will do special things. Unfortunately this is for a competition and I'm not allowed to release anything before the game is entered, else I'd let you have a play.

Basically I'm looking for critique, and a small amount of help. I really like the basic look, but feel the walls (dark green tiles) and pits (the corner tiles) need some work but have no idea how I could improve them and would love some suggestions. General crits are welcome too :)

FWIW the colours are very inspired by some screenshots I found of Chaos Engine (eg

Oh - and hello from a long time lurker, first time poster :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 05:06:26 pm by BinaryMoon »

Offline BinaryMoon

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 08:44:47 pm
Ok then - here's another version. I have tweaked most things. I really need to get on with the coding and get everything working, so this will have to do for now. Thankfully the nice simple tiles make it easy to add new stuff later on.

I have tweaked the pits but am still not entirely happy and would appreciate help with them. I have also fixed up the walls so they have some weight and cast shadows so now think they are ok (shadows aren't perfect but I went for the quick option rather than the proper one... deadline approaches)

And here's a level with a different (more interesting?) shape.

Once I have everything solid I hope to have time to add some more interesting tiles (spikes, lasers, guns etc)

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #2 on: September 13, 2007, 01:10:00 am
hey there,  glad to see you posting here at pixelation  :)

this doesn't look to shabby, mate.  It certainly is odd seeing pixel art from you rather than CG/3D.  I can see where you're going with this simplistic style, so I'll try not to mess with that much. Heres a quick critique for you.  I didn't stay true to the "pixel purist" ways, but most of my critique is compositional...

things to note:

- all foreground / collidable elements have higher saturation and contrast.  this helps the player instantly know what he is and isn't allowed to do - and what pieces that involves.  For this particular style, black outlines (like I have done here) might be a good direction to take.

- no pure grays.  Grey can be a useful tool if done correctly, but for the most part, you probably don't want to have any large areas remain gray. -especially for a game.  It's dull and isn't interesting for the player.  even on the scoreboard I added a hint of blue to the highlights.

- adding depth.  In addition to adding saturation and contrast to the collide-ables, adding depth will give it the extra "pop" that the game needs.  I've done this here by extending your drop-shadow.  it's one idea (and probably the simplest), but certainly not the only one.  Changing the perspective, or showing the sides of walls might also be good solutions.

- the hud: it should be the most prominent feature the player sees, seconded only by the game sprites themselves.  Make this pop out with higher contrast and saturation as mentioned before.

- use complimentary colors.  no color is ugly itself, but there certainly are ugly combinations of colors.  Be sure to use colors that work with each other to make a unified scene. 

take care,

Offline BinaryMoon

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 01:45:33 pm
That looks really nice... and makes me want to put proper shadows in. I can't think of a nice way to do them though, so am going to increase the drop shadow "cheat" I am using at the moment. It'll look a little dodgy but hopefully the awesomeness of it will make up for the missing corners - maybe if I have time I will be able to work out a proper solution.

I like the altered colours too. Unfortunately that means I am now going to have to go back and change all 30+ tiles I have made :S Oh well - it'll be worth it :)

I'm not convinced by the pit, I don't think the gradient works with the minimal pixel style from the rest of the level - I am going to try adding a couple of extra colours as a transition though, maybe that will go some way to sorting it out.

Thanks a lot for the help.

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #4 on: September 13, 2007, 02:02:54 pm
ah yes, forgot to mention - ignore the pit.  that was me just fiddling around - thus I didn't mention it in the critique.  I'm aware it looks like poo :P

Offline BinaryMoon

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 09:52:01 pm
Ok then - I've made changs based on your suggestions. Thanks muchly - it's looking very cool now :)

I've also added a conveyor belt (looks better when it's moving) and a spiky wall tile to pop balls against.

I also increased the size of the drop shadow - it doesn't look as bad as I expected, and does add a nice amount of depth. Woo Hoo - I think I'm getting somewhere! :)

I changed the hud (I know it's off center) and think I will probably change it again. I also tweaked the pit tile - I don't think it looks too bad now... certainly the best so far.

Now I need to do some sort of pop animation for the balls - I don't like animation :( Oh well - needs must.

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #6 on: September 13, 2007, 10:16:31 pm
I think the walls should be higher yet...because based on the shadows and the shadows of the balls, the walls wouldn't even be tall enough for the ball to bounce of.  I think you should extend the shadows even further, as in Indigo's edit....maybe even further.

The cracks on the walls are a nice touch--why not add some to the floor tiles?  Maybe even add some ripped up tile were the base below the tile is visible...
It's a bit realistic than what you're going for, but I'd still keep it in mind.

Good luck, and keep on pixelling!!!!!

ps. this reminds me of Battle Bots for some reason  ???  still cool though.
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Offline BinaryMoon

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #7 on: September 14, 2007, 03:12:52 pm
Rydin - I think you could be right about the walls. Will change that.

Also notice the floor in the second set I posted? There is a tile with cracked bits in it. It's quite subtle though. Basically yes, there will be floor tiles with cracks and chips, along with probably at least one more broken wall tile to add variation.

At the moment I am concentrating on making the game work before adding all the finishing touches like these to it :)

Thanks for the crits though

Offline BinaryMoon

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Re: [WIP] game concept

Reply #8 on: September 21, 2007, 04:45:40 pm
Been working on this like crazy. The deadline is the end of the month so am still looking for feedback - pretty please.

I have now sorted out the gui and played with the shadows. I think it's all coming together nicely now. The interface is a single tile and it's in a different place on each level. The white border keeps it obvious and the movement is just something I thought might be interesting.

I also have a main menu working. The text is still not pixelled and it's unlikely it will be. The background and interface is all pixels though. I wonder if it's a little busy with the instructions at the bottom, but I like the idea of only having one button on the main menu. The play button lights up when you mouse over it.