@ Corinthian - Thanks for link the brushes! I was JUST about to say - wow, how do you guys get all this nice texture into your stuff??? Needless to say I've neglected to truly take advantage of special painting brushes. Foolish, I know. But I'm looking forwarding to trying out that set. Nice scene, btw.
@ r1k - That's a great point, about communicating depth in an image. I always knew the value of doing that, but I guess I never stopped to actually think about consciously. It's good to disambiguate principles like that.
Reminds me of a design class I once took, where I finally had in front me a textbook breaking down all the different design principles, rather exhaustively (with visual examples, etc etc) - things I already kinda knew in the back of my mind, things I did and felt automatically, but after that class I finally UNDERSTOOD them consciously. And that makes a designer/artist much much more powerful, since he has a firm grasp on fundamentals then. Know what I'm sayin'?
@ Cage - I love it. What drawing/painting tools did you use? Couple of fox hair brushes dipped in ink wells? The hair looks brushed, but then the right ear oultine looks like sharpie. Lemme know.