Okay, so a few more critiques:
In both of your top animations, the middle frame doesn't seem right, because the feet make a straight horizontal line, which makes it look like camera is pointed straight up on her, rather than in an angled top down view.
So maybe you should round the feet a bit there?
If you compare the top animations with the side ones at the bottom, it looks like we shouldn't be able to see the top of her chest, as the head would block it.
There could be some shadow on her chest and her shoulders to help separate the head a little.
Something like this, maybe:

Added in some anti-aliasing too more because I could than because I should... There are so many colors on your piece, so why not?
In the walking up animation there's something weird going on with her butt, because of the few highlighted pixels at the bottom. I'd make the top of the butt lighter.
As to which one I'd choose... Either? xD
Seriously, any one is fine. The one on the right looks more feminine. A little bit.
EDIT: It does kinda look like she's skating, though.