Wow, thanks a lot, you guys!

Water worked well with the old one but it seems to break too strongly from the perspective introduced in the new one.
Maybe if you flattened out the perspective some it'd work better.
Huh, I thought drawing the ground sloping towards the water would work, but I can see how that might be confusing.

Does removing the foreground help, or do I need to do something more drastic?
The tiles on that new desert one looks a tad strange, like a top-down texture plastered on a side-view tiles.
Yeah, I'll try coming up with something more horizontal. I think the snow tiles also need work since they have those horizontal bands of blue in them.
The moon background pops out a tad too much considering it's.. well a background.
I think I'll stick with mostly 4 color backgrounds from now on. Do you think I should tone down the use of stars in the first one, too?
I would fix the water on this one 
Fix how, exactly?
Would you be going for some animations now.
You may need to do some more work no the desert besides that but as often there isn't really much to say about what you made as it is just wonderful.
I have animated most of the smaller enemies, just need to make them into gifs. They're very simple, with just two frames for walking and another two for dying. Most of the bigger bosses use 3 frames, so it's still not a lot. I'm still working on most of the bigger ones, but I have a few that I think I'm done with.

Ye shoppe.

Various miniboss animations. I think the spider's legs still need work.

Boss death animations.

Power-ups and such.