I'm working on building a tank around the palette used by the second boss (the big green tank). Right now, I only a a few spare parts and practice pieces though:

Things I've noticed:
-Very few curves, everything is very angular.
-Most of the ships and tanks have one little glassy, eye-like cockpit near the middle.
-The forward facing treads are standard on all vehicles. I mean that all of the tanks with forward facing treads use identical treads.
-The top faces and certain angles are rimmed with lighter colours, with a few points of the lightest shade on the corners.
-Small geometric vents are a common detail, appearing on pretty much every ship.
-There are very few right angles, most angles are closer to 45 degrees.
-The muzzle for a small, standard bullet generating gun is usually 4 pixels wide.
-Among the symmetrical ships, the only objects that are not mirrored are the cockpit and large, attention grabbing components (such as the plate on the front of the lime-coloured tank's main cannon).
-Individual plates rarely, if ever, cast shadows on each other.
-Stripes either travel straight or at 45 degree angles.
That's all I can think of for now. There's definitely more though.