Sorry Mirre,
Im going to say, that you will have to change yours to 240x160
last round i asked for 240x160
Okay, so if I understood the rules correctly; then I can use snake's tileset for inspiration too, and vice versa?
ya, you can inspire your tiles off of either tileset
Man, my mockup is going to look really weird with my tentacle monster and then the centaur for character sprite (you can change sizes and stuff for both the monster and female character right?) ...well, at least it's going to be one unique mockup!
As ptoing mentioned - you need to repixel them as sprites for the game. Do not use them exactly. Doesnt matter size - but keep in mind, your main character is a sprite for a game, so cant be overly big or small. Your monster isnt a boss either - just a creature you may encounter in the alien world. Therefore it shouldnt be the entire screen either like some bosses are. Im not going to put a size limit - but within reason, and proportions.
It says that there should be no changes to the background, does this mean we can movie it up or down, or do we essentially have to tile on top of it?
hmm - well since mirre has to change her sky abit to match the right size restrictions, Ill allow a few edits or changes to the sky. Dont make a new sky - rather edit it using the same colours (no new, or replacement) to make better sense with your tiles. So if you want to move it up, or sideways, or change something small then ill allow it - but it has to be close to the background you just created.
Hopefully that answered some questions

oh - zolthorg, can talk about changes or suggestions after this round.