wow, very very good call on that double 1-pixel width linear highlight wrapping the mech from both sides, it meshes really really well with the lineart style, and quite frankly I dont think nobody ever made simple 1-pixel width outlines look so good in pixelart, just apply some of it on that gun of his.
I like what you got going on in the zombie guy too, although I think he would be more freaky if he were some sort of a psycho salesman whacking you with his wonderfull inventive products or something.
nice that you made a little experiment on dithered outlines in that little smoke thingy (do I see Mslug influence?), but it lacks some more varied spacing to be interesting, evenly spaced dots dont really make for an interesting effect.
you see, the concept behind this is trying to depict sub-pixel width whitout resortin to any extra colors, and using te opposite of jaggies to do that.
when you go and un-jaggify an outline this is what you do, you remove one pixel from a portion in which the line is supposed to turn so that the line becomes a 1-pixel wide line, instead of a somewhat 1.5 pixels wide line.
the concept here, is to fake a line with a sub-pixel width, so instead of just removing the jaggy, it goes on and removes another pixel, and maybe another pixel in the next turn, and then more and more, until it's just dots at what would be the turning points of each section of the line.
of course, if this was all that was going on it wouldnt be a very rich effect, but once you understand this is what you are supposed to be doing, you'll have an idea of where you are trying to go with this, and you'll know where to place all the dots to help strengthen that effect