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WayForward pixel animation contest

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Hey guys,

The developer I work for (WayForward Technologies, creators of Shantae & Sigma Star Saga) is always on the lookout for new animation talent. I suggested that a contest is a great way to get the best samples out of people (remember our 144-entry FSc contest a few years back?), and they were in agreement. So we're running a fun little contest.


1) Each entrant must pixel animate both a walk cycle and a dance animation off the Shantae model below (in the red box). The idea behind requiring both is that looping, weight-driven animations (the walk) and more creative animations (the dance) are two pretty different beasts. Any entrant who creates only one of the animations will not be considered.
2) Both animations must not exceed a 64x64 size.
3) Both animations must not add any colors not already in the original Shantae model. You can actually pull from any colors in the below model sheet, but you can't add any new ones.
4) If rules 2 or 3 are violated, and if there's time, the entrant has the option to correct either error and resubmit.
5) All pieces of art must be posted in this thread and be accessible (no dead links) for consideration. You can either post the file as a web-displayed image (animated gif) or just link to the file for download (flc).
6) All pieces must be in either animated gif or flc file format. If there's another format you'd like to suggest, please do so below.
7) No previously-created art may be used aside from the reference art below. You may feel free to take pieces of the poses below if you need to, but the more original your animation is the better it will likely be received.
8 ) Multiple entries are allowed. If you end up animating 3 dances and 2 walk cycles, we'll consider all of them.

So that's it in a nutshell. Work from the idle pose below (inside the red box), do a looping walk or run animation and a dance animation of your own creation (can be looping or single-action). Post below and feel free to comment on everyone else's posts.


The initial deadline will be in 2 1/2 weeks (October 28th). If response from the contest hasn't dwindled by then, it might be extended an additional two weeks.


The winner will receive $250 and a copy of Pro Motion Lite (the best pixel animation program available, in my opinion).

(I'll add to this as people post below)

1) Can we enter if we don't want a job? Absolutely. This is just a contest. Create the best entries (as judged by our company's animators) and win $250 + Pro Motion. There is no obligation and conversely, there's no obligation on the part of WayForward to offer anyone work. The $250 prize is guaranteed regardless, though.
2) Can we enter if we're under age? Of course. Again, just a contest. Unless you know of a specific reason why you might not be allowed to enter, the contest is open to everyone.
3) Will you be using my animations in some game? Nope. This is just a contest. This is an opportunity for us to see what's out there in animation talent. We're not actually using these entries for anything.
4) Can I post my animations on my website? Of course. Post away.
5) What's the limit on frame count? There isn't one. You can make a dance that's 4 frames or 40. A recommended length for the walk or run cycle is between 6 and 12 frames. Anything past twelve will probably be too slow, but it's really all up to you.
6) Can mods submit? Of course. The contest is open to everyone except WayForward employees.
7) Do we render them out like the reference art or keep them simple like the GBC animations? Work in the style of the model sheet below. The GBC animations are just to get you inspired with some dance examples.

- Adam

Model sheet:

Sample dances from the GBC game:

Do you want us to fully render these or leave them simple like the sample dances?

Answered above.

- Adam

hmmm...? that timing for the GBC shantae anims cant be right....dont seem half as  entrancing C_c or is it just that there's no music playing? :p

arent we getting any judging parameters? what will you loook for? for example, I'm quite caught up in tweaking framerates to improve the anims, would that be overlookeD?

what about a bit of artistic license with the shading style?, can I cast a shadow on something if I think it has expressive value?

This sounds like an excellent competition with an excellent oppurtunity for employment (something I'm looking for!). It's just the worst timing for me though. I start my final high school certificate (HSC) exams next week which run for about month. Good luck to anyone else entering!


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