Loving everything
. Regarding the Dralthi metallic tubes on the left side, perhaps make the ramp have a few less steps? Feels a little too gradienty and rendered compared to the first cockpit, although the pixelated shape of the white cluster on the blinn-like highlight is quite cute. The ones on the right side feel more handmade. As a whole the Dralthi one seem to have a higher color count compared to the first one. Anyway the model is great
As for the galaxies (particle generated?), the original ones look more like handmade pixel art on a quick glance from the gifs, while the new ones feel more like index-painting, but I also prefer the more sober coloring. Nitpicking as I am, I would ditch the lower bottom one, it gives a lowres/blurred vibe. The green, pink and neutral ones are neat.