Pixelation's forum setup is unfortunately, or fortunately in some ways, outdated. There are some benefits to the traditional internet forum but people have moved onto new formats. It's not only outdated in the usual sense, even the featured gallery is out-dated (one artist in particular, it's a bit awkward to have his art up there after certain events happened). Some of the gallery is missing vital pictures to see the progress (in hindsight, featured forum posts should have had backup images saved).
I think the only way we could see a true Pixelation revival is if we had OG heavy hitters come back and if we had events/challenges.
I do my best to be active on here but some of the newer folk don't seem as interested in critique or practicing fundamentals (though to be fair, back in the day I was pretty similiar) and that hurts my morale. Nothing lasts forever but it's nice to have the nostalgia and see that, while it is outdated, we can come back and feel like it's 2006 again.