Good work fella - that's the spirit... congratulations for being brave and taking a step in the right direction.
But a word of warning... don't just copy from the photo directly... try and understand what's going on with that beast of a man you're using as reference as you're making progress with your piece... I'm not saying you'll figure out everything in one sitting but ask yourself why those muscles bulge the way they do? Why there are muscles there in the first place? How do they connect to the underlying structure (skeleton)? and so on...
Don't be afraid to rub out or work over what you've already spent time creating - if it's not right - it's not right... just because you may have spent hour pixelling the torso - if it's wrong... it's wrong and there's nothing you can do about it... that's part of the learning curve bud...
You have an idea in your head of what you're wanting to achieve right? There's a guy, with a hooded (collared) cape, pretty buff, gripping some other guy (girl? monster? whatever) be the throat? you need to rough it out... get it down quickly... scribble it... it doesn't matter how rough it is... but iron out any problems with the pose, the positions, the composition FIRST... remember to CONSTRUCT.
here you go... something like this...
like I said... rough as you like... but you start to get the form going...