AuthorTopic: [Wip] help needed :S  (Read 9562 times)

Offline and2

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[Wip] help needed :S

on: January 04, 2007, 11:00:37 am
hey guys, im having trouble with this so far..

i need help on the body..

i think my anatomy is a mess..?

small update:

sad, sad, update:

« Last Edit: January 06, 2007, 07:51:09 am by and2 »

Offline Aeon Vision

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 11:17:44 am
Heya mate, looking great, but.
Your anotomy for the lower-upper body part is good.
You'll only need to move the chest a bit down.

Why not finish your other work before starting with this?  ???

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 11:31:35 am
cheers bro. ill work on that and post an update soon  ;)

Offline DevilDRake

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 11:59:49 am
haaayy :P :P hurry up and colour it :P :P waiting to see what it looks like.

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 12:20:25 pm

update on Aeons CC  ;)

now body looks a bit short? maybe its just me.. what u think and how can i fix?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 12:23:52 pm by and2 »

Offline DevilDRake

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #5 on: January 04, 2007, 12:25:13 pm
its alot better now, sure theres still a little gap but not much to worry about. its always funny your never do anything on the face.. dont like facial things lol?

gotta learn them sometime

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #6 on: January 04, 2007, 02:52:13 pm
Hi And2 - Excuse me for being lazy but I feel a repost of an old post coming on... the points I make in it are relative to your work I've seen of yours so far. you seem to be quite into figurative stuff so I thought i'd point out a few things for you to either take on board or ignore... tis up to you sir...

so - here goes...

it just started with a sketch in geography the other day.. didnt think I'd take it as far as I already have and now the messed up anatomy is really bugging me

Ive never really studied anatomy or anything before.. so any help or advice would be greatly apreciated

process animation:

Hey Takem... Looking good but It strikes me the intial sketch needs tightening up before you move on to the pixels IMO.

Your initial sketch demonstrates how to draw surface form. There's nothing wrong with working like that however it does help if you can begin to look through the surface as you're sketching. Define the underlying structure and work up from there helps a lot. Adding clothing, hair and other surface detail at the end. By doing this you manage to build form and structure into the final image giving it weight and solidity.

When doing the initial sketch you need to start looking through the form. Rough in the line of the spine, then cross that with a line indicating your shoulder postition. These two line should be enough to give a flow to the drawing. Give you an idea of general postioning and posture. Once you're happy with that, move on and begin to Visualise the main masses in spheres. I usually begin with the head - focusing on seeing the postion of the head in particuilar the eyes and eye postions, then work backwards. Neck, clavicles, shoulder mass, throrax, abdomen. Always revising the intial sketch as you go.

Bottom line is you HAVE to SEE the masses that make up the underlying structure. Feel your way around the sketch. Using your own body as reference if you get a bit confused. (A mirror sometimes helps here)

Here's a scribble I did based on your intial sketch... it's not perfect by any strectch of the imagination, but should give you a better idea of the process.

Pete :)

I've siad this elsewhere so i'm paraphrasing a previous post i've made a long time ago... but it applies to what you're doing here...

You need to understand that all artists use construction and form to create their work - perception of underlying structure (even if ultimately you can't SEE it) is so important to making the final result believable. Even if it's stylised...

The mistake you are making is getting to 'into' coloring your work prior to setting down a solid frame work... drawing is like building a house, you need the idea to begin with, the layout of the house, the floorplan, before you EVEN begin to BUILD IT physically you need to design it... what you're doing here is jumping too far ahead too soon. You're building the roof before the walls have gone in. Your're painting the walls before you've plastered the ceiling...You need to take some steps backwards in order to move forwards.

Draw THROUGH the image, to see the form of the arms, where the shoulders plug into the upper body, where the neck plugs into the thorax where all these points are in relation to the clothing - you've got a nice start - i like what yopu're trying to do... you just need to take a step back - if you can get those masses in then creating the flows, folds and creases of the clothing becomes really simple, because you can SEE where it will be pulling on which parts of the body and so on...

Finally, anatomically speaking you're a bit out - obviously you have some understanding of muscles around the torso... pecs, abs etc - but you're lacking in true understanding of how they connect. This can only come with experience and study - starting with the underlying structure - i.e. the skeleton... which comes back full circle to what I was saying in my initial quote to TakaM...

Here's a couple of great links to follow for anatomical study...

have fun and good luck...

Buy the book - The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #7 on: January 04, 2007, 11:57:27 pm
woah.. thats a lot to take in, but what you have said makes perfectly good sense in many ways. I am going to try what you have told me and give my drawing structure. I'm only 15 and its a lot to think about i guess, but i gotta start somewhere  :y: thanks for the time you have spent explaining this to me. it will come in handy in the future.

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #8 on: January 05, 2007, 02:58:17 am
sorry about the double post, but i think the arm looks awefully awkward  :'(
im going to make him be holding someone by the neck but im not sure if thats the right pose  :(
and i think that the anatomy is terrable aswell

edit: oops it would help if i posted the picture lol
« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 03:03:23 am by and2 »

Offline sharprm

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Re: [Wip] help needed :S

Reply #9 on: January 05, 2007, 04:21:48 am
Modern artists are told that they must create something totally original-or risk being called "derivative".They've been indoctrinated with the concept that bad=good.The effect is always the same: Meaningless primitivism