Apologies to snake. I should have suggested that he Digg the piece instead of doing it myself, but Digg has always been about just throwing interesting articles and pieces into the net so I guess it didn't occur to me. I definitely should have credited him in the posting at the very least.
I just figured it was a fantastic piece that a few people on Digg outside of the pixelling circles would get a kick out of. I didn't think it would receive this much attention, or get converted into ass formats and spread to other sites.
I don't think it's a "huge mistake" as Soup makes it out to be, though.
Snake is now credited on the Digg entry, which is linked to in the joystiq entry. I believe I can undigg the article if you want, although that's up to snake. Most people will be linking back to the photobucket link, so snake can always slap a signature on the image, a website, a link to Pixelation, or even take the pic down (or retitle the link) so it dies. I don't see how anything bad could come of it being out there, although (again) I apologize for not having asked snake's permission first.
In the spirit of the season, I'd be willing to buy snake a website and hosting for a year to make it up to him (assuming he doesn't already have a dot-com somewhere). Pixel work as stellar as yours needs a permanent home, and (though I'm not sure what your aspirations are) having a website with samples and a resume' is key to getting regular work in the games industry. And collecting your work all on one site is also an excellent way to prove ownership of artwork, since directories timestamp the date each piece was uploaded. If interested, pm me a list of domain names (in order of preference) and I'll set it up for you.