your socks are better than my socks, good idea with the greens there. The shade on the hair is still wasted, sorry. I see your preference on no pure black, and can't counter it with anything, it's just a choice. But the shade you used is still wasted at 1x zoom and 2x zoom ( aaaalllllllmost)
about B, also smart, the purple became an all-purpose contour shade, nice idea.
about the surface tinting. It's just light bouncing off. It doesn't make sense 100% but I thought the purply creature would be both highly reflective ( hence the sock thing ) and at the sime time absorbant of the red of the coat ( there's a red tint on it's left side ) which strictly speaking, I'm not sure can happen, but I like lighting details that mesh things together. It's a style thing, I should point those things out after I do them, and not let people wonder if they're valid edits or preferences of the editor. But you seem to have the hang of disregarding the aspects of an edit that aren't useful to you.
the backlighting is there to make the purple dude a little bit more interesting to look at, nothing smarter or more insightful there, sorry.
Liked how you used the white on the face for a little more highlighting, completely forgot it although I had the shade and I put it on the hands.
All in all, it shows that you took my pointers very seriously, and I am honoured that you did. You're a very good artist, what is missing is further familiarization with the pixel art medium, it's tricks and techniques. And that's what this place is here for! I'm glad I helped, and I'm glad that you put in the effort. If I took over your art too much with my edit, I'm sorry, it's just that I have fun editing ( I'm a dirty copier!! ) and get carried along.