It's been a while since my last update and there's a good chance I'll proooobably miss a couple of things that have happen since the last post so today I'll just talk about the UI.
The UI in the last demo... wasn't much of a UI, it was a bunch of components slapped into a section of the screen and I tried to make it as minimal as possible to avoid the player needing to look at it too much!
Well, the theme for this demo was
SEXY. Make. Everything. Sexy. As possible as I can.So the UI got an update, enemy sprites got an updates, and I even stepped up some of my work with effects!
But back to UI- the 4 5 major things that needed to be addressed were:
Player Buffs/Debuffs
Enemy Buffs/Debuffs
Enemy Guard Meter
Special Meter
player buffs were going to follow the player, but I found that to be cumbersome, and well- ugly!
So I carved out a little nest for them on the left side.
Next up was
enemy buffs, I think often times players rather see an enemy be visually effected OR not have to look somewhere else to keep track of an enemy's ailments, ESPECIALLY with real time, so the enemy buffs will stay with them. This works because the player is FAR more mobile than the enemy's in the game.
Enemy Guard Meter is actually pretty similar to the old system, except to avoid confusion it's hanging out with the enemy on the right side of the screen.
The special meter worked okay before and remains unchanged, there's a possibility of animating the meter itself expanding the sword once its full but I have reservations about having it take up any further real estate so we'll see! (probably not though, I tend to not like making extra work for myself to flesh out an idea i'm unsure of from the jump)
So that was all sorted out, but we still have this BIG. FAT. SPACE. in the middle. Gosh, it feels like something is missing here. Trying to wrack my brain for a solution, EUREKA! It came to me! What about some fancy way to be SEXY about switching the turns?
I'd actually chosen a sound for the turn swapping which was a "dj scratch"... so... what about having a spinning disc in the middle?! Brilliant!
So what does it all look like in the end?So there we have it, a new sexy much more legitimate looking UI for the battle system! Now let's see it in action!
With that out of the way most of the new items for the demo are finished! Some bug checking and polish remains but I'll be sure to flesh out another feature before it's done!
Thanks for reading!