Good day folks!
Just gonna dump a few assets here from Project Lantern, a dark fantasy side-scroller with a lot of focus on lighting and narrative. I’ve been juggling this idea around for a few months, and at the end of January teamed up with a mister Andrew Clearihan who is helping me code out a demo/POC of sorts. The funny thing is, I don’t currently have a CPU (only an IPad), so the plan as of the moment is that I keep working on design and story elements and chocking out assets, while Mr. Clearihan does the dirty work of coding the project in GameMaker Studio. So far we’re on a slow but steady track but hopefully once we get a second programmer and, most importantly, I get my computer back (long story), we’ll be able to make steady progress.
In the meantime, feast your eyes!. . . Or just give them a snack, totally your call. Not one to judge.

Gargoyle Static

Weapon Tests

Some progress on modular pieces. This also includes the gargoyles.

Current iteration of main character’s Weathered Armor set.

Pallete Test

Silhouette Test for Demo/First Boss: The Witchknight

Some pretty rough concept art.
(Animations are also complete but I’m currrently trying to find a way to post those on this forum from my iPad. Stay tuned)