Was wondering just yesterday whether there would be one this year. Great!

current likes: pottery, woodcarving, druids, the scholar stereotype (polymath, e.g. Da Vinci), wizards, sorceresses, trees, mushrooms, grass, bushes, sand, rocks, gnarly roots, wildlife, mindfulness, peace, beer, C64 and Amiga games(hotseat multiplayer eco sims in particular(e.g. Kaiser, Hanse, Vermeer all on C64, Patrizier(Amiga)), actually what I like about it is hanging out with friends and those games lend themselves well to having something to do on the side), goblins, orks, elves, androids, aliens, spaceships, science, fiction, things and ideas that are meant to last and to improve life for their creators and/or for others or even other species, constructive, helpful, positive stuff
dislikes: intentionally left blank, there should be enough likes to pick from, if I had to give priorities, the last couple of items on that list feel most important, so maybe combine those concepts with anything you pick from the rest of the likes... that's just a suggestion though, basically, as always, pixel whatever you like as long as you have fun doing it