.........how does that connect to the results...exactly? =o just curious
I'm not sure... but in my experience it has. Largely, I used to contribute to dolling forums when I was younger. I went back to a dolling forum awhile ago and realize how insanely retarded people can be about everything on dolling forums. I ended up getting banned for people being too pissy at my critique of their work. They claimed I was hurting their feelings on their oh-so-dedicated art pieces (when they had just copied, mirrored, and pasted). Some of them were fairly decent but the majority of them were incredibly ridiculous about it, and insisted on making me a hotbutton issue and creating drama just from me simply critiquing everyone's work, asking me who died and made me God.

Dolling forums go to every length to make sure no one's offended by anything or pissed off so much so that they create drama but how much of a fuss they make over things. I think pixel art forums still care about pissing off people, but they don't assume that someone's going to have a nervous breakdown just cause someone's a douche to them.
Girls from the ages of 12-17 and women from ages 30-40 dominate dolling communities, and there's too much drama and idiotic girlishness for me, personally. Compare that to the exact opposite of here where males largely compromise the Pixel Art community. The only thing that really gets out of hand here is maybe undeserved assholeness... and it's pretty much not that common.
In my experience, forums comprising of males, whatever age, are considerably more mature, laid back, and less idiotic than forums comprising of females (where everyone giggles). It probably has a lot to do with how girls and boys are socialized from a young age. I find that most dollers don't take their art as seriously as male pixel artists do, and if they do take it seriously it's emotional, not necessarily maturely serious. It may be due to the age range but honestly, I think it's a prime example of how males and females are socialized when it comes to art. I could write a paper about it. XD
Of course, this
IS a generalization and, like any generalization, it's not 100% true for everyone but... it's largely the vibe I've picked up from the many forums I've both frequented AND managed.