Thanks for the great C&C guys!
clr: The styles clash a little, but I did not know how to unify them better. I did want the rock to look like a rock, and the moss was kind of hard to make it look like moss if I didn't dither it. Aaand, I think I got a bit carried away with the scales on the mermaids tail. I just love sparkles
Dhaos: The fruit are golden apples (every fairytale have them
) Did you mean that I should remove the dithering in the hair? I'm not quite sure myself that it looks good, honestly, but without it the colours doesn't blend so well.
Oh yeah, the fins probably looks unfinished because I haven't highlighted the upper parts of it for some reason (I must be tired, haha).
I'll see what I can do about the highlight in the water and the browns (assuming you meant them with "reeds"), but they belong to the same ramp as the gold, so I'll see how it comes out.