Aye, on top of that though you might want to shoot for high contrast in general! Cyberpunk tends to run with some pretty dark themes, hence the "punk" end of the moniker. Darker colors as a rule fit that, though obviously there's wiggle room in there for alternate takes. Experiment and see what looks good to you!
As for things being taller, if you're going for a cityscape it might help to work with fades to black instead of roofing to better imply height.
Like so, but you know, not an INCREDIBLY lazy edit like this:

I didn't really nail what I'm trying to illustrate, but try to have it fade out as if the camera is "cutting away" the top part of the building, that way you can still sell the clustered metropolitan area without having to obscure parts of the game.
Alternatively, you could have taller parts of buildings fade away as characters move behind them, it all depends on what you're going for.