It looks a bit colorized, doesn't it? By that I mean, some objects/parts appear to have been painted in grayscale, then just given a simple colorizing pass. It makes things look disjointed and dead. I'm especially concerned by the ramps of some of the greens and dog-pee yellows. I quite prefer the look of a more limited palette as it really forces a sort of homogeneity in (colors looking like family), as well as some dither which can bring in some variation in texture. Minish Cap hardly seems to use dithering as a tool at all, insisting more on banding, giving it a color-reduced look here and there... texturally one-dimensional. Dithering can be really subtle, and I liked how they used it on the road-lumps, less so on the bushes, yeah. I also think that, in some cases the grass looks a bit ... gritty with the diagonal near-orphans.