seeing that collage, thing that comes to mind for me is, finish your pieces more. I don't know if you're very set on the 'I like the sketch more than the finished piece' mentality, but as a viewer nearly every one of those looks unfinished (besides tree head, I <3 girl and a few others). If you want to get better you have to invest a lot of effort into finishing your pieces. Precise pixel placement of every pixel. If you show them to people half-done - and I've found that to be true in nearly any sort of art - they go into 'wip mode critique' where everything is 'hopeful' and 'new' and 'different' and 'relative'. This happens because you're admiting that there's space for change even in your head, and that everything could go and that in lacking of finalized thoughts on the matter you're very open and willing to hear stuff that most of the time is very bland and besides the point. Finish things, be brave enough to say 'this is EXACTLY where every pixel is supposed to be as far as I'm concerned. Hit me hard with your critique.' and give people something to go on.
I don't get why you say you're a jackass. If it's about not being kind to pju who 'didn't get it' then yeah, that's not the epitome of niceness, but it's no big deal if it's not part of some repeated elitistic mindset. I don't think you have that mindset.