Welcome to this CC's challenge! I gotta say, I think this is a tough one, as Minish Cap is already quite beautiful, and I feel the GBA's capabilities were used pretty darn well. Then again, I'm no artist, and I sure as hell wouldn't mind seeing some surprises in here

So.. make it better! Make it yours! Make it different!
First off, some details on the GBA's restrictions:
- 240x160 pixels, 15 bits of color information per pixel
- no backlight on the original model of the GBA
- 4 individual tilemap layers
- a maximum of 128 sprites
- three different tile modes which you can read more about here
- three different bitmap modes which you can read more about here
- some info on sprite restrictions can be found here
You can read about the GBA's capabilities in detail on
this beautiful website.
Now, as for what part of Minish Cap to touch up.. that's up to you! Any part of the game you like. For a rough overview, here are the screenshots from the analysis thread again:

As you all know, I'm not an artist, but there can't be any CC challenge without something that gets the ball rolling, so I figured I'd at least touch up the mirror shield icon. I always thought that thing was sorta out of place:

Time to push pixels, everyone! Have fun~