current version:
Is a lot cleaner, played myself a lot around with different proportions. I Also started with rough clustering, I don't put much effort in a consistent light direction so far, because I mainly tried to seperate the parts and get overall an better readability beetween them. Consistent lighting will come in as I go along.
I also changed the forward bend body, although I assumed that it would help with the impression of the heavyness, it seems to get pointed out consistently.
First it's a rather difficult design for a human figure. Humans are a difficult enough task, but with all those angles and ellipses which need to look correct and technical on top of the figure, it's just difficult.
The characters are meant to be out of one universe, the big sprites are designed to be used for 2 reasons
1) as individual pieces of art, illustrations for some concept sI did.
2) if it comes to a game, I want to use those sprites maybe in a dialogue system.
Actually If I display them from the left or the right should be unimportant anyways since the light comes directly from the front - we had this discussion already in the crow topic.
That sprite is displayed from the other side, mainly that shield and gun are aligned with the concept art, I could mirror it, but it won't make too much of a difference.
As a quick reminder form the older topic:
which shows the intented use quite well.
You are right with the assumption of the diving suits. Parts of this character are older than others, the engine for example is new, which explains the different style for that.
Hands: already thought about that, will mos tlikely go for a similar design as for the helms and I seperated the thumbs - that just for the visual side - pretty rough edited in the current version.
Your edit adresses 2 things I found out myself, the foreshortening of the front arm and the rear leg.
I really liked the placement of the rear leg in your sketch. The only issue I have there is that the legs now look like they have a different length (which is the same problem I alsways have and it's easy to overlook if one does it and also really difficult to fix...) I sketched it roughly in how I imagine and will refine it as I go along.
For the gun/front arm I also applied a depth effect, not to sure if it's cool or just looking out of place at the moment.
I went for this pose of the character to have a good descriptive view of all parts. I did myself about 20 sketches and despite a few of them might have looked cooler as single piece of art, they wouldn't work in the dialogue or wouldn't be descriptive enough, which is the reason why I went with this approach.
should be completely different now.