AuthorTopic: GR#208 - Octopus Girl - Anatomy  (Read 21929 times)

Offline lachrymose

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GR#208 - Octopus Girl - Anatomy

on: August 13, 2014, 07:49:16 pm
Yo, working on some stuff. One thing that has evaded me are tips for doing fingers at a fairly low resolution.
i.e ala this size:

Ignoring some of the other stuff I need to clean up, the major problem i'm having is getting a decent looking set of hands going on. Or at least an impression of such, looking around I can't find many examples or even tutorials.

Re-reading this I decided more context would be needed. I drew the outline of the character using this pose on
The inspiration for the color of the skin, the head and a few other things comes from images of the blanket octopus.
I'm trying to get the hands splayed out in such a way that part of the "cape" from the blanket octopus is attached to the pinky and the back of the arms, and flows out or down.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 02:10:05 pm by lachrymose »

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Tips on pixeling fingers?

Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 08:24:50 pm
The one-pixel-wide black outline is a problem if you need to draw volumes which are less than 2-3pixel wide (such as spread fingertips).
In this pose, here's how I'd do the hands. Not sure how to detail further.

Offline lachrymose

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Re: Tips on pixeling fingers?

Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 08:28:31 pm
whoo, thanks yrizoud, the outline is going away for sure, just using it as a guide line for now. Once i'm happy with the shapes and proportions i'll take out the outline.

Offline lachrymose

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Re: Tips on pixeling fingers?

Reply #3 on: August 13, 2014, 10:53:35 pm
Double post!

Starting to refine things a bit more, working my way down bit by bit.

Any thoughts on composition? Palette?

Hands are still bad, but using yrizoud's example i'll refine them down more.

[EDIT] - Late night thoughts

I think she is too plain, too human. Gonna try to add some tentacles tomorrow.
I also want to incorporate her clothes into her skin, like Nami from league of legends. Make things look more organic.
I also need to add a few more shades to her skin colour I think.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 05:13:53 am by lachrymose »

Offline lachrymose

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 02:10:24 pm
Some new design thoughts, just roughly drawn over on another layer.

Edited again to give the tentacles a bit more character, also fixed some anatomical inconsistencies between my reference and the drawing around the waist and stomach.

Now that I look at it again that central most tentacle is placed where male anatomy would be. I think I should move it...Not trying to make Japanese porn here.

Moved the tentacle also lengthened her left leg a bit, and edited again to lengthen the legs a bit more and move them in. Don't mind me using this as a journal to write down my thoughts.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 03:30:50 pm by lachrymose »

Offline 9_6

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #5 on: August 14, 2014, 03:35:58 pm
You should try sketching with a 2 pixel brush so 1 pixel wide insecurities like that face won't happen.
Does scaling an image blur it?
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Offline lachrymose

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 05:32:45 pm
Getting rid of the blue, Blanket Octopus are more red or a creamy orange.

Haven't completely updated my palette yet, and quiet a few things are still rough. but things are a bit better.
My thoughts right now is that I need some type of texture to her skin. Blanket Octopus are fairly smooth though with just minor skin color changes based on light penetrating water. I'm going to have to build a scene for her I think.
 yrizoud: I'm stealing your hands bro, I just couldn't come up with something that fit as well as yours did, I'll change them if you object.

Not sure how to shade her cloak thingies. >.>
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:50:31 am by lachrymose »

Offline lachrymose

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Re: [C+C][WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 02:22:15 am
So shading the cloth like appendage is beyond me. So I decided to switch the design a bit and make it more dress like. With smaller areas of cloth like areas I think I can manage proper shading.

So with a quick editMore refined edit....Thoughts?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:24:28 pm by lachrymose »

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #8 on: August 15, 2014, 03:13:07 pm
Hey there,

Not to be rude, but I think your pose is not very interesting. I feel that in (pixel)art you need to push yourself to create compelling scenes and characters.
I know you're just starting out, but try to make your image more interesting by playing with the perspective and add a sense of motion.
The poses from pose-maniacs are great for practicing anatomy, but are, in my opinion, to stiff for these kind of imagery.
I like the design and the palette, so I used that as a base to create this:

I tried to make the scene more dynamic by making her swim towards the camera.
(The eye between the tentacles doesn't really make sense, but was to cool to leave out.)
It might stray a bit far from your original art, but it's meant as an example of what you can do with a single subject.

Looking forward to see where you take your image.

Offline lachrymose

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #9 on: August 15, 2014, 06:44:23 pm
Did a redraw right quick. Tried a  more interesting pose? Extremely rough. Also redesigned the character a bit. Not gunna go through the effort to redraw the first one!  ;D

And damn it I WILL figure out these damn hands.
At this resolution it is to large to just use impression blocks, and to small to have to much detail. As far as hands go its the perfect "Fuck over the artist" resolution.
I'm fairly happy with the direction I went with them though, it is obvious that they are pretty rough, I should be able to improve them quite a bit.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 09:08:00 pm by lachrymose »

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #10 on: August 15, 2014, 09:12:11 pm
Awesome, that on a hole 'nother level.
You gave it much more life. The pose gives it personality and it tells a bit of story.

Great progress, cheers mate!

Offline lachrymose

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #11 on: August 15, 2014, 10:48:02 pm
Moving along.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 12:39:29 am by lachrymose »

Offline kriss

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #12 on: August 16, 2014, 06:40:27 am
Good job lachrymose !
I prefer the first model style (more details, could be use in a mature game), but you did a great move by changing the whole position: it's more interesting this way.
I suggest you keep red bra so you add an extra colour : i have the feeling the character share only 1 strong color (brown).
I prefer the previous contrasted colours (personnal thought because cartoons's style isn't my favorite style ^^ )

Offline 9_6

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #13 on: August 16, 2014, 10:13:26 am
You're overcomplicating it, getting lost in the detail.

Those spots aren't everywhere, they are mainly just on the head so you don't need to put them on the tentacles and you should consider that if something goes on a tentacle, it'll also go on the arms and legs.
The bright goes down to the tentacles so why not make the face that color and keep it consistent until it reaches a limb?
Drop that spraycan and never pick it up again. There is no use for it pretty much ever.
Try picking up a bigger brush instead and block things out and recycle colors.
Don't use new ones for every new object or the picture will not look unified at all and be hard to edit.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 10:27:22 am by 9_6 »
Does scaling an image blur it?
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Offline lachrymose

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Re: [WIP]Blanket Octopus girl

Reply #14 on: August 16, 2014, 02:23:17 pm
Your edits are pretty awesome. I'll keep those tips in mind.  :y:

And thanks Kriss!

At it again without using line work like previous works.
Changed again the pose and the style, going more for an american comic book style with the implied lines and such.
[Edit] Breast reduction.  :y:

[Edit] Thoughts on arm and muscles.

[Edit] Trying something new with quick and dirty hair.

I think i'm done for now. -_-
Oh as a comparison. My first sprite I ever posted here:

Thanks guys!

« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 11:32:03 pm by lachrymose »