Looks fairly well-made for the most part. As you mentioned before, you have a bit of trouble with the color-count stuff, and it's clear on your newest sprite too (a particular offender is the blue on the jacket sleeves, but there are many other places the colors can be reused.)
38 colors is a bit extreme, imo, for something that's to be animated by hand. My edit above reduces this to 16 colors (including transparency), which is 16-bit effectively. With a large palette, you easily lose track of what colors are being used where, making it more likely you'll select a wrong color shade and use that to draw on your sprite with until you later realize that you needed the one just a shade away, leading to many many MANY headaches in developing an entire moveset for a single character due to all the recoloring you'd need to do if that mess-up wasn't caught sooner.
I understand you want to go for a photoshop-ish / 32-bit feel to the look of your sprite, but do that only *after* the character's entire moveset has been animated with basic shades so that your palette wont get you confused while editing. The palette I made is sufficient enough to appear 32-bit anyway, despite it only being 16-bit essentially. Unless the character has very few animations in his moveset or they don't vary greatly across the entire range (i.e. an arm moves, a mouth moves, or a leg or two moves with a lot of very flashy visual effects making up for the lack of animation in the body), you might want to aim more at the 16-bit style (SNES) graphics/palette at first and see if you still feel like adding in those extra palette entries for highlights on the shoes/subtle-color-shifts on the jacket/shirt/etc. later when you're done with your first round of moveset animation coloring.
As far as your animation question in your previous post about frame count -- yes, it is possible to shrink that animation down to 6-8 frames at least. I can help you in depth on this aspect (and others) if you like -- just check my signature below and shoot me a PM if you're interested. I'd love to help someone as dedicated to learning pixel art as you seem to be further their skills.
With that said, a quick side note: you don't have to double the size of your images to post them here (we can just left-click on them to zoom).
2 more things I forgot to mention:
First, the only way to make the jacket appear more cloth-like is to remove the highlight altogether, giving the appearance of more dull or scattered light (as I show in my edit). I personally don't see any issue with the highlight color you have other than perhaps making it almost pointless to have since it can barely be seen anyway. If you wanted a more leathery look, the highlighted area would be much more thin and concentrated to a band of intensified reflected light, appearing as almost a bright line across the wrinkles depending on the kind of leather you wanted to convey (this is assuming an almost latex style leather). The thickness of the sleeves' cuffs too could have something to do with potentially conveying sense of a heavy leather look, though I see it as more of a heavy coat -- but I feel like that's subjective to the person viewing (there's only so much you can do with anime-style coloring to convey certain materials after all).
Secondly, try flipping the sprite horizontally. You'll see he doesn't quite look as correct or cool facing to the left as he does facing to the right. His deepest shoulder-arm contour is the offender here.