When I started this I meant it to be a quick piece... silly me.

Let's start from beginning.
@PixelPiledriver Thank you for your edit, I get a lot useful things from it. I'll think about whether should I cover him in dirt or not, but it's a good idea.
@AlucardX60 & Mr. Fahrenheit You are right about highlight color of his shirt, I fix that.
@AlucardX60 Also thank you for your edit, everyone complained about his hair so I've changed it a bit. This is Daryl from the first season cause I was asked to make him couple years ago.

If I change his hair to long I will have to change his clothes also, cause he is changing it form season to season.
@Manupix I didn't post reference cause I wanted to hear comment on sprite itself, not in compare to reference, but maybe I was wrong.

At first I didn't notice problem in proportions, but you were right. I added a few pixels to his legs and arms, also I make crossbow longer and tilted his head a little.
Again thank you for your comments, and here is new version.
