Ditto. I like the version without blur better.
Now, I'm no animation expert. But if I was to really nitpick, then I'd say there's something a bit odd about what's going on with his legs. The animation looks great at a glance, because it has a nice bounce, and the way he turns his shoulders and swings his arms looks great. But looking at his legs alone, it looks like he's galloping.
I think it's because between frame 5 and frame 6, is right leg is just freezing in mid air as he steps down with his left foot. His right leg moves pretty fast in frames 1-4, but then moves very slowly at frame 5-8. Meanwhile, his left leg moves pretty smoothly, except that it seems to freeze between frame 8 and 1.
Maybe that's what makes it look like he's galloping, to my eyes at least.
EDIT: Just noticed wolfenoctis' animation seems much smoother in regards to leg movement. Take a look at his edit, perhaps?