@coffee: I think Agent00X was suggesting that Drazelic should put a moon in the upper right corner. He wasn't confusing the round lantern as actually being the moon. For what it's worth, I agree with Agent00X that it would be interesting with moonlight creating two multiple light sources with different hues. It's a lot of work to pull off, but so lovely when done right in scenes like this.
Personally, I'm having a lot of trouble making sense of the house's structure. I get that the angles and lines aren't straight because it's hand built and aged, but I just don't see how everything fits together. It's wonderfully rendered, it looks beautiful, but... it's like looking at M C Escher, in my eyes. On the top floor, it's easy to identify the closest corner of the building. But on the ground floor, I can't quite see any corners. Only the "canopy" seems disconnected from the surface of the four windows. (I assume I'm seeing this wrong, because given the corner on the top floor, the left-most of the four windows is probably on a different surface than the other three.
Could be that I'm just looking at this all wrong. If no one else agrees, then that is probably the case.

I'm also curious about the way you've used those diagonal lines on the 'Shop' crate. Shouldn't those go from bottom left to top right instead? I'm asking out of ignorance.