Alrighty. This should be the correct quality, unless I'm not anticipating something. The "OLD" tag shows everything from the previous updates. The "NEW" tag is everything I've added since the last post.
Some things:
-I like the reshaded grass, but I'm no longer sure about texture. I don't think I liked it too much in the first place anyway.
-I had Photoshop auto-lock me down to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 colors for some testing. 64 colors made no change because I'm using less colors. 32 colors didn't make too much of a difference while getting rid of a few colors. I might aim to get rid of some of those colors. 16 colors changed a lot, but looked very interesting, so I might consider dropping lots of colors. 2 colors in gray scale gave an interesting silhouette. Pictures below.
-The clouds behind the tree look very flat all of a sudden, so I want to re texture them in a similar fashion to the rest of the background.
-Thank you guys a lot for helping me with the leaves. They look bunches better. I still want to get some forms in there that look more like leaves than strands of hay. Towards the bottom and (our) right side, I sort of lost the inspiration and did random blotches again, so I've got that to fix.
-I think I'll keep trying edits until I either give up or feel fairly satisfied with it as a whole (which I really do already, but I think it still has a good bit of improvement to go through.) Either I'll start working on adding the words in there again, or I'll wait and do that when I get out of the pixel art world. I'd like to try throwing the pixel art back into a digital art style and see what I can get from it
-I thought about adding grass hanging down the rocks, but with a small amount of space, I worried it might be more cluttering than anything.
-I'm posting this in a 1:1 ratio, but I've been viewing it as a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio. The final image will be a blown up version.
EDIT: forgot to add this picture
top left, 64 colors (current)
top right, 32 colors (color table is shown to the right)
bottom left, 16 colors
bottom right, 2 colors in grayscale